Help Desk Software

Knowledgebase How do I...

How do I populate "Submit a ticket" form fields?
How can I send a donation?
How do I submit a ticket in customers' name?
How do I disable the captcha (anti-spam) image?
How do I prevent customers from choosing priority?
How do I prevent customers from re-opening closed tickets?
How do I move HESK to another server?
How do I include ticket message in the e-mail?
How do I allow customers to reply to tickets by replying to emails?
How do I add my Favicon to HESK?
How do I remove "Powered by help desk software HESK"?
How do I save file in UTF-8 without BOM
How do I allow Iframes in Knowledgebase articles?
Set up Microsoft 365 OAuth authentication for use with Hesk
Set up Gmail OAuth authentication for use with Hesk

Help Desk Software