Help Desk Software

When does HESK send email notifications and to whom?

Note: this article lists emails a properly configured Hesk help desk will send. If you are not receiving email notifications, please see the HESK is not sending any emails and HESK emails are marked as SPAM articles instead.


Here is a brief overview of what email notifications are sent in HESK and when:

Customer submits a new support ticket:

  • email is sent to the customer,

  • if "Auto-assign tickets" is ON (Admin panel > Settings > Help desk tab), ticket is assigned to one staff member and a notification is sent to that staff member only,

  • if "Auto-assign tickets" is OFF, notification is sent to all staff members who have access to ticket category and "A new ticket is submitted with owner: Unassigned" selected on their Profile page (Notifications tab).

Staff submits a new support ticket within admin panel:

  • email is sent to the customer,

  • if an owner is assigned to the submitted ticket (either manually selected or auto-assigned), notification is sent to the assigned owner,

  • if ticket is submitted as "Unassigned", notification is sent to all staff members who have access to ticket category and "A new ticket is submitted with owner: Unassigned" selected on their Profile page.

Customer replies to a ticket:

  • if the ticket is assigned (has an owner), notification is sent to the owner only,

  • if the ticket is unassigned, notification is sent to all staff members who have access to the ticket category and "Client responds to a ticket with owner: Unassigned" selected on their Profile page.

Staff replies to a ticket:

  • email is sent to the customer.

Staff moves a ticket to a new category:

  • if ticket is already assigned (has an owner), no notifications are sent,

  • if "Auto-assign tickets" is ON (Admin panel > Settings > Help desk tab), ticket is assigned to one staff member and a notification is sent to that staff member only,

  • if "Auto-assign tickets" is OFF, notification is sent to all staff members who have access to the new ticket category and "A new ticket is submitted with owner: Unassigned" selected on their Profile page (Notifications tab).

Staff member posts a note to a ticket, assigned to someone else:

  • email is sent to the assigned staff member.

Staff member sends a private message to another staff member:

  • email is sent to the recipient of the private message.

Staff uses the "Reset password" form:

  • email with a password reset link is sent to the email address entered into the form, if it matches a staff member email address.

Keep in mind: email notifications are never sent to the staff member who performs an action (submits a new ticket, assigns a ticket to himself/herself, moves a ticket to a new category, ...); that staff member already knows it happened.


Help Desk Software