Help Desk Software

I have problems installing or using HESK.

  1. Download HESK, extract files and folders to your computer and read installation instructions inside:

  2. You have read the instructions at least twice and still no luck? Try searching this knowledgebase for solutions to common problems.

  3. As a last resort, try searching for a solution at the support forum
    Please do try searching and reading old posts as many questions have already been answered here. If you can't find a solution, please feel free to post a new question.

Above all, please remember that HESK is a FREE script and thus, no support is guaranteed. The author and many other users will help you on a voluntary basis, so do your homework first and please be patient when waiting for a reply on the support forum.

Pro tip: Avoid the hassle and get a working help desk in minutes by using HESK Cloud

Help Desk Software